Derwent Practice Rooms - Terms of Use
Only current members, who have paid their annual subscription, may book and use Music Society Practice Rooms.
The member may not book more than 2 hours of practice on the same day.
Bookings may be cancelled by The Music Society at any time and for any reason without warning.
When a booking is not taken up within five minutes of the specified start time, the room can be used by others until the next booking period.
The member may move and arrange small furniture (e.g.: chairs, stands, etc.) within the room, but may not move items from other rooms under any circumstances.
The member may not alter or move any pianos or large musical equipment without explicit prior approval and supervision of the President of The Music Society.
Nothing may be affixed to the walls, fixtures, or furnishings of The Music Society.
Smoking is not permitted inside or within 20 feet of the entrance of the Practice Rooms.
Animals, with the exception of service animals, are not permitted in the Practice Rooms.
The member is responsible for general clean up and proper disposal of all items they bring to the premises. Large or unreasonable messes, as determined by the Music Society Committee, left uncleaned may result in cleaning fines.
Damage must be reported directly to the Committee. An admittance of fault will be treated better than an investigation into wrongdoing.